Health and Safety

The Keio Yochisha Elementary School puts utmost importance on the health and safety of our students so that that they can enjoy a bright, happy, and healthy school experience.

For our safety precautions, we have security guards watching over the school 24 hours a day. We also have an email system that alerts parents when their children pass through the main gate on their way to and from school. In addition, in order to keep unauthorized and potentially dangerous individuals out, all visitors and permitted adults are required to wear a badge to enter the premises. Furthermore, teachers and staff are regularly trained by the police on how to take appropriate steps if an unauthorized individual breaches campus security.

At least three times a year we hold earthquake, fire, and first aid drills, so that students can learn how to protect themselves in emergencies. We also hold an annual emergency drill with the help of parents, which allows students to practice returning home in an emergency, such as after an earthquake. At Yochisha Elementary, we maintain a three-day supply of food rations, as well as enough blankets for all the students to use in the event of an emergency.

We also teach water safety through swimming lessons. even if students are already able to swim with some proficiency, fifth- and sixth-year students are taught how to swim while fully clothed so that they are prepared should that scenario take place. Sixth-year students also learn how to use plastic bottles and bags for extra buoyancy in an emergency.

Our health program is also robust, with daily access to pediatricians and public health nurses from the Keio University Health Center who are able to treat potential injuries or illnesses. We offer monthly dental and psychological consultations, and sports-related medical consultations each term. We also provide meals that cater to children with food allergies.

Once a year, a team of doctors and nurses who are Yochisha Elementary alumni conduct a Basic Life Support (BLS) workshop for fifth-year students, who are taught fundamental life-saving techniques. Of course, one workshop is not enough to learn how to resuscitate a person who has collapsed. However, the students can begin to learn about precautions to value and protect those in danger by calling for an adult or looking for an AED. Yochisha Elementary also has students go through disability simulations. In their fourth year, students experience what it is like to navigate their surroundings in a wheelchair, and fifth-year year students learn what life is like for the visually impaired by wearing blindfolds. These exercises teach students to practice empathy and to be considerate to others.

These practices exemplify the great care we take to guarantee the safety and well-being of our students, and ensure that they have an enjoyable experience at Yochisha Elementary.