Our Facilities

  • Jisonkan Auditorium

    The Jisonkan Auditorium was built in 1964 to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the school. Like the main building, it was designed by Yoshiro Taniguchi. All students and teachers gather here for ceremonies such as the start and end-of-term ceremonies. The auditorium is also used for the school performance day and other special events.

  • Science Garden

    The Science Garden is a place where nature has been preserved, in a little oasis amid the city. This “biotope” is filled with aquatic plants and attracts a variety of dragonflies and butterflies. The garden is in turn surrounded by a wide variety of fruit trees, including chestnut, plum, citrus, and loquat.

  • Science Museum

    In the open space around the science room, there are thousands of biological specimens (such as shells, plants, insects, taxidermic specimens, and skeletons), along with fossils and minerals on display. There is also an aquarium and a vivarium. The school has developed its own unique tests to assess the students’ knowledge of nature.

  • Keyaki Hall

    Keyaki Hall (named after the nearby Japanese keyaki tree) is a spacious dining hall where students from two separate grades can eat their school lunch together. Through the large windows they can see the many trees that surround the hall and enjoy their meals while taking in the scenery throughout the year.

  • Library

    The library has a main collection room, a group study room, and a room for teaching-materials, providing space for a variety of learning activities, as well as for galleries and exhibitions. The library has a collection of approximately 33,000 books which students can access at any time.

  • Playground

    The playground has a sandpit, jungle gym, slides, iron bars, swings, monkey bars, climbing bars, and a dodgeball court. This is where the first-year students get to know their second-year upperclassmen and acclimate to school life by playing outside.